We make fastening future mobility easy.

Facil never-stop-the-line-service:
Securing the right quality and quantity of fasteners to assemble your products

  • 4 service modules (Engineering, Supply-chain, Quality, Purchasing) for comprehensive full-service and high quality automotive fasteners.

  • Each module is tailored to the specific needs of automotive fastening technologies and can be selected independently according to your specific needs.

  • Improve overall performance, supply-chain stability and reduce significantly operational complexity & fastener management cost.

  • We handle the entire fastener bill-of-material (BOM) from design to delivery throughout the whole automotive life-cycle.

  • We support your engineers to select the best appropriate fasteners. Engineering-Database to quickly provide prototypes and alternative parts.

  • Close to our customers we manage strategic buffers, supply-chain risks and + 500 manufacturers worldwide.
Reducing complexity, increasing flexibility, maximizing performance.

Happy to connect!
Let’s get in touch.

Fastener BOM

A fastener bill of material for a car or truck can contain hundreds of different references. Each fastener may be used multiple times per vehicle, sourced from dozens of different manufacturers.

A midsized passenger car for example can contain:

  • 1450 pieces (different fasteners x usage)
  • 345 different Fasteners
  • Total weight 11.5kg per car